December 2024 Board Meeting Notes
In attendance: Jennifer Hisdorf, Rachael Rennebeck, Bev Cwalina and Lisa Davidson.
Jill could not be on the call but will email us a general balance status. Lisa M. was not in attendance
Meeting started at 7:40pm
Rachael Update:
Kicking off the 12 days of holidays after Giving Tuesday. Full campaign with pics for each day's giveaway (items we have had donated or did not use at last year's casino night) and a landing page for people to buy tickets for all chances or one a day.
*We must post that our non-profit status lapsed but that we are already in the process of getting it reinstated and have a process in place to prohibit it from happening again. “Due to an error that resulted in filing incorrect paperwork, 412Thrive's 501(c)(3) status has been temporarily revoked. Our organization is going through a leadership change that ensures we are on a path to a renewed and even stronger 501(c)(3) non-profit focused on supporting individuals as they walk through their breast cancer and genetic mutation journeys.
As part of our leadership change, we are in the process of having our IRS nonprofit status reinstated, however unfortunately, contributions may not be tax deductible unless the IRS reinstates our status retroactively. As we work on that, we are absolutely committed to complying with all nonprofit standards. With financial support and our new leadership, we look forward to the next chapter for 412Thrive! Thank you for your support, you are making a difference for hundreds of Thrivers and Previvors!”
The Not Your Average Holiday Parade, YaJagoff Holiday Windows are on display at the Block Northway through 12/24. Thrive has a window with a QR code to donate.
We are part of Give Big in Pittsburgh Magazine for Giving Tuesday. Rachael created a thank you for those who donate.
Met with grant writer, Bev, and Katie early November. (List attached)
Katie and Rachael worked on two grants for submission this month. Grant writer submitted Gateway and we completed and mailed Palumbo last week.
Our nonprofit status has been revoked due to not turning in the right documents and the CPA didn’t catch the error at the time.
We have filed compilation statements for 22-23 and one for 23-24 in order to have our status reinstated. The cost will be approximately $6k for all fees. Working with Jill, Jen, our attorney and a new CPA to be in a good standard for our end of year finances.
Vote was taken to pay Hennessey Blotzer $2500 to file the 22-23 compilation statement, all were in favor.
Met with Dough Daddy to get a Thriver event on the books for a "Let it Go" event.
Considering using the office space and ridding of the second storage unit to save costs
Chelsea/Katie's division of duties—specifically recent to do's
Other business:
Lisa D. will give potential board member, Barb Hickey, the form to complete to be a board member. Once completed, we will set up a 30 minute meeting to talk with Barb and then vote.
Next open meeting will be in January or February. February would be better, Lisa D. will confirm the ability to use a Duquesne Light facility for a meeting.
Corcoran Collective donated many items for care packages, Bev will send out a thank you to them.
Jennifer will start to review the by-laws to make recommendations for revisions to be discussed in January board meeting.
Meeting concluded at 8:52pm, next board meeting will be on January 6th at 7:30pm