Jill Bortz


My name is Jill Bortz.  I am a mother of two boys, both in their early twenties.  I have not been diagnosed with cancer myself, but I have had breast cancer in my family.  My grandmother was a survivor.  I have been hyper vigilant about my own care and have yearly mammograms since I was in my early thirties.  I believe that every woman should be given the opportunity to have at least one free mammogram per year, no matter if they have insurance or not. 

In 2021 I decided to start a business and Bortz Bookkeeping was born.  In my career I have always had a second job either in customer service or in the tax preparation industry, and found a passion for helping others, and making a difference.  I use my bookkeeping skills to help make a difference at 412Thrive.

I am of the belief that we are all strong enough to accomplish anything we want.  In my 30s I went through a major life change (divorce), I went back to the gym, and found myself to be strong.  I came up with the idea to join a powerlifting competition.  At age 40 I was in that competition, and I won my age group.  

Remember:  You are beautiful, you are strong, and you can do anything!