Chris Needles

Volunteer Coordinator

My name is Chris Needles.  I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer (Stage 3) in October 2004 at the age of 40; had a lumpectomy and lymph node surgery, chemo and radiation  No family history, no BRCA mutations - went on with my busy life as a wife and mom of 4 children (their ages at that time were 14, 12, 12 and 8).

3 years later, at my yearly checkup, my oncologist requested that I have a breast MRI since it was a fairly new testing method.  I'm so glad I did that - a shadow was seen in my lung. Subsequent testing indicated that it was breast cancer that had spread to my lung and chest wall lymph nodes.  Because my oncologist wanted me to use Avastin along with my chemo, he had to order a baseline brain MRI.  Again, I'm thankful that these tests were ordered, because a 3cm tumor (also breast cancer) was discovered in my brain.  We opted for brain surgery in November 2007, followed by chemo (Abraxane plus Avastin) - 3 weeks on, 1 week off for 11 months.  I had one gamma knife surgery to the brain site in January 2008, and after the 11 months of chemo, continued on Avastin for another 18 months (every other week).  While I am diagnosed as metastatic, I have had no current evidence of disease and no treatment since June 2010.  I do have periodic issues arise, but tackle things as they come and face them then.

I tend not to worry - it does nothing good for me, and I have realized that I can only control my reactions to a situation - not the situation itself.

I am so happy that I was convinced to attend the 412Thrive Wellness Retreat 2 years ago, because it has put me in touch with so many wonderful women!  I am proud to volunteer for 412Thrive because they strive to serve those who THRIVE!